D&D 5E - The Bard: College of Lore or Valor?
Lore Bard doesn't seem to be able to take much of a beating at all. At D8 and Light Armour, he is as squishy as a Rogue. I can see myself only getting an AC of 15 ( S.Leather and 2+ Dex) Two handed longsword seems nice though.
Valor Bard, however, gets Scale Mail, Shield, and still Dex bonus. I think this puts it at 18 AC (I am doing these numbers from memory) Furthermore, it gets a bonus attack, which I understand can be an extra wack with a blade or a spell being cast. This seems much more powerful IMO.
Then again, it could just be that since I am VERY new to TTRPG that I am not really seeing the exponential nature of Spells. I would imagine getting 2 extra spells of my choice would indeed be powerful.
Perhaps the Lore Bard is a wizard that can fight with a sword and the Valor Bard is a Fighter that can cast certain spells.